Painting of a golden, grassy field with a narrow dirt path leading towards a dense cluster of trees, set against the backdrop of hazy mountains.

Steve Emery

Steve has continuously searched for meaning, striving to express within the language of art some profound reflection of universal humanity beyond words. His artistic journey is marked by a pursuit of understanding and connection, seeking to capture the essence of shared human experiences.

Painting of serene landscape of rolling hills bathed in soft, golden sunlight with a backdrop of layered, misty blue mountains under a clear blue sky.

Kathleen Lipinski

Kathleen Lipinski’s contemporary realist paintings invite you to share in the sense of wonder, and deep respect for the natural world around us. Referencing her own photos, Kathleen selects elements from a combination of images, as well as her own experiences, to create paintings back in her studio.

Kathleen in her studio in front of one of her paintings
Steve in his studio with paints and a canvas

Kathleen and Steve's

journey as artists began in the art studios of U.C. Santa Cruz, where their shared passion for creativity and expression first brought them together. They find endless inspiration in the beauty and complexity of nature, which fuels their artistic explorations. Their work is a dynamic conversation with the environment, capturing its essence and transforming it into the language of art. Together, they continue to delve into new artistic realms, constantly discovering and expressing the wonders that emerge from their immersive experiences in nature.

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